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1981-87 Vol 1 (LP)

Label: Jelodanti Records

Format: LP

Genre: Experimental

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Abrasive and challenging, mad, unpredictable, with a wistful, quirky, even humorous side!

Big Tip! * 200 copies, marbled white vinyl, comes with a 4 pages * André Dekeyser, Patrick Dekeyser, Vincent Epplay. DEK, three enigmatic letters that say no more... but it was with this name that it all started in the early '80s, when the ashes of punk were still smoking but no longer very hot. The time has come to change your shoulder guitar neck and explore other lands. It is on the isolated heights of a village in Provence, hidden in a vaulted cellar, lined with boxes of eggs (acoustic ornament in vogue at the time), that the first roar and hammering of this small group will resonate... especially for the neighbours unaccustomed to this new mode of noisy jerks.

The machine is launched, propelled by a Revox tape recorder, witness and engine of these first sessions of raw and spontaneous recordings. Despite the relatively rudimentary technical means and a still rough and rustic way of playing, the table is ready for regular nocturnal meetings, in the enthusiasm to do battle with new sonic territories! Under the influence of the magnetic spirits invoked and after decantation, the rules of the game appear with this slightly demiurgic or even incongruous idea: to revisit different styles and musical genres, more or less known, played from memory then recorded, the first take acting as a trace final. We cast the nets, and we see what comes out of them, fishing not always being miraculous as we suspect... This fiercely independent approach of non-musicians will give a kind orchestral catalog of "painful music", where the collective experience and the blurring of genres and rules are clearly assumed and claimed. DEK becomes a kind of production micro-cell which, under cover of anonymity (influenced by the fabulous San Francisco band The Residents), reveals his first musical snapshots, or sound polaroids, by burning them onto magnetic tape. DEK is the name which instinctively imposed itself on a micro label of k7 production accompanied by graphic essays for the Musik picture books: covers and booklets of images and drawings - in an aesthetic well suited to its time: the black and white photocopy. DEK comes out of his cellar and migrates to other lands. In the momentum, the first video productions on VHS and U-matic, under the name of KBB will begin, as well as a series of radio programs: Our friends the sounds. It was, it should be remembered, the beginning of the release of the airwaves, and above all a good opportunity for the DEK to thwart 'Boredom In Nice' (opening title of the B-side of this LP).

In the meantime, some of the members of the "community" will integrate the Beaux-Arts of Nice while continuing its more or less clandestine activities in this academic context. Only a privileged few and friends will have the first to hear these strange nuggets and taste this expansive sound foam. A few decades later, with the generosity and insistence of two passionate of bizarre music, founders of the label Jelodanti Records, part of the remains of the feast is offered to you on a black vinyl platter... To be consumed at full volume, despite the long-exceeded expiry date! What shared pleasure! Vinyl edition limited to 200 copies in variable covers, hand stamped.

Cat. number: Jelo 24
Year: 2023

DEK : André Dekeyser, Patrick Dekeyser, Vincent Epplay Orignal recording on Revox A77 & B77, 1981-1987 Scores Selection : Patrick Dekeyser & Vincent Epplay Editing & Mixage : Vincent Epplay Mastering : Krikor Original pictures & drawings : DEK Artwork : Jelodanti / Alep DEK, trois lettres énigmatiques qui n’en disent pas plus... mais c’est avec cette dénomination que tout a commencé au début des années 80, alors que les cendres du punk sont encore fumantes mais plus très chaudes. Le temps est venu de changer son manche de guitare d’épaule et d’aller explorer d’autres contrées. C’est sur les hauteurs isolées d’un village de Provence, planqués dans une cave voûtée, tapissée de boîtes d’oeufs (ornement acoustique en vogue à l’époque), que les premiers vrombissements et martèlements de ce groupuscule vont résonner... surtout pour les voisins ! peu habitués à ce nouveau mode de saccades bruitistes. La machine est lancée, propulsée par un magnétophone Revox, témoin et moteur de ces premières séances de captations brutes et spontanées. En dépit des moyens techniques relativement rudimentaires et d’une pratique du jeu encore approximatif et rustique, la table est prête pour des rendez-vous nocturnes réguliers, dans l’enthousiasme d’en découdre avec de nouveaux territoires soniques !